Avoid these branding mistakes to be a successful brand

Rohit Dubepatil
3 min readApr 18, 2022


Not focusing on branding is going to cost companies long-term growth. Many new businesses make terrible mistakes while branding their products.

Mishandling the branding campaigns or making terrible branding decisions might dismantle the brand’s position in the market.

First, understanding the importance of branding for any business is essential. After that, one can move towards making the right decisions for branding.

We’ve observed many brands focusing on the visual aspects of the products only, which is not equivalent to branding. It’s a misconception that logos and other designs are “branding.”

It’s wise to learn from the mistakes and move on to make smarter decisions. Do you know what the common mistakes in branding are?

Common Mistakes in Brand Building

common branding mistakes to avoid

#1 — Ignoring Customer Satisfaction

Even the new businesses get a few customers in the beginning. That’s why it’s essential to focus on serving the customers by caring for their needs. Any brand that listens to the customer inputs and adopts its product will thrive in the markets.

Business is not only about serving your idea to the customers, but addressing the customer needs and designing the brand around them is. With a product or brand that addresses the customer’s needs, one can ultimately achieve customer satisfaction.

#2 — Ignoring the Digital World

Gone are the days when everything was offline. Today, one has to face a stiff challenge from the digital ecosystem. Digital brands can get more exposure from the audience. Social media is one of the most powerful platforms that brands cannot ignore.

Any brand that is not active on social platforms might have to face challenges with its reach. Ignoring the digital world is one of the biggest mistakes nowadays. So, it is better to be active on social media, have a website that shares the brand story, provide accessibility to consumers, and even spend some money on online advertisements to reach a wider audience.

#3 — Not Telling your Brand Story

If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you. — David Brier

A brand story is an ultimate weapon for any brand that makes the brand stand out from the crowd. Every brand has a story that might help them convince the target audience with emotional appeal.

A brand story helps businesses convenience their audience with the “Why” instead of “What.” The customers can understand “Why” they should buy your product, then what they should buy.

Providing a solid reason through the brand story is the effective stance any brand should take. Notice the biggest multinational brands; everyone has a brand story.

#4 — The first impression is the last

Everyone knows this statement, but only a few understand. The brand’s first impression is long-lasting in the target audience’s mind. Focusing on the visual aspects of the brand is crucial at all stages.

You must know that “A Picture is worth a thousand words.” Having a stunning logo, attractive product packaging, engaging graphics, and many other things related to the brand’s visual representation must be checked.

Many brands focus only on this point but ignore all others. It’s not a good thing.

There are a ton of freelancers and small graphics agencies that can do the work for you. But are you going to risk your brand’s visual identity to save some money?

Invest in a good graphics agency or designer and get the visual brand identity designed.


Even the small mistakes in branding might cause serious issues with the business identity. It’s better to focus on branding while avoiding common mistakes.



Rohit Dubepatil

Entrepreneur | Author | Keynote Speaker | Thought Leader